Special meeting before the Kent Zoning Board

Special meeting before the Kent Zoning Board

In a Special meeting before the Kent Zoning Board, (pzSpecialMeetingMay29-2014), Zoning expert and consultant Glen Chalder from Planimetrics explained to the Commission that Weddings held on private properties are Accessory Uses and NOT Special Events for the purposes of zoning regulations.

Glen Chalder was hired by the commission to help rewrite the Regulations. Oddly, taxpayers are footing the bill for his advice, and simultaneously paying for legal fees to uphold a ban on weddings and similar family gatherings on privately owned rental properties in the rural zone.

In another contortion, the Commission allows homes and properties to be rented for weddings in some rural zones, but not others, and also allows Bed and Breakfasts to host weddings, but not lodging houses, or farms, though there is nothing in the Regulations banning weddings or similar family gatherings anywhere in Kent, and there are no ‘special permits or other permits required for the hosting of weddings.

Some property owners are accusing Land Use Administrator and Zoning Enforcement Officer, Donna Hayes,  of “selective enforcement of non-existent rules.”

We are too!

How can some properties be allowed to have weddings without the need for any permitting at all, while other properties are banned from the same use, even on the same street and in the same zone, in the absence of any Regulations pertaining to such uses?

Farm weddings and other family based gatherings are allowed virtually everywhere in this country. Kent is a rural town with a rural heritage. Why should the town ban weddings on farms in Kent?

Isn’t that a perfect re-purposing of these historic properties?


Guy Mauri appeals Zoning Commission’s Cease and Desist order: ZBA sides with The Spirit Horse Farm!

In a unanimous and unprecedented reversal, the Kent Zoning Board Of Appeals has thrown out the Kent Planning and Zoning Commission’s Cease and Desist Order, recognizing The Spirit Horse Farm as a legal short term rental for vacationers and others, and sends Zoners a message asking for clarification of the town’s regulations.cropped-spirit-horse.jpg


Spirit Horse Farm Spring

Spirit Horse Farm Spring


We have had so many great guests come to visit so far this spring. And many friends returning back for second, third, and even fourth visits! Like the doves coming back from from their wayward meanderings, our guests and friends always bring an unexpected joy to the farm!

Another Special Wedding Night at Spirit Horse Farm!

Another Special Wedding Night at The Spirit Horse Farm!

Another Special Wedding Night at The Spirit Horse Farm! The Summer season may be winding down soon, but last night was so incredibly beautiful here. I wish we could start all over again! It was Noel and Kerry’s wedding that made it so memorable. Great guests, beautiful couple, really wonderful family and friends! Thanks so much Noel and Kerry, for finding us and leaving us with memories to last a lifetime!

Wedding, Spirit Horse Farm
Wedding, Spirit Horse Farm
Another Special Wedding Night at The Spirit Horse Farm

Saoirse’s 5th Birthday today at Spirit Horse Farm!

It’s Saoirse’s 5th Birthday today! She is the cutest little thing, and is aptly named! Her free and giving spirit has spread to all here today!

My daughters are with her and her friends in the pool. We are blessed and grateful to have met such wonderful people! The best thing about The Spirit Horse Farm is definitely the people who come to visit!

Happy Birthday Saoirse!

Saoirse's Birthday
Saoirse’s Birthday