Mild Winter at Spirit Horse Farm?

 Mild Winter at Spirit Horse Farm!

Mild Winter at Spirit Horse Farm,

4:45 pm on December 15th, 2011.
The sun rose with defiance this morning over a light dusting of snow, and after an incredibly mild yet shockingly short day, has set again quietly over our grateful little farm.
It is still 53 degrees outside with children and adults finding cause to linger out of doors. The air is oddly reminiscent of spring, and the wood fire smells and long trails of smoke are noticeably absent in our river valley.
Every winter I secretly hope the arctic air won’t show, but usually by Thanksgiving, we know it is inevitable. This year feels VERY DIFFERENT!
I can only hope that these warm breezes linger into January, if for no other reason than to give our livestock a break from the harshness of winters past. I have hens sitting, and baby doves in the dovecote, and the peacocks are basking in the still soft soil that is usually rock solid and icy cold by now! Even the cows are frisky!