Season’s first Wedding at Spirit Horse Farm!


Season’s first Wedding at Spirit Horse Farm

WE ARE finally ready for our first wedding of the season! It’s always such an honor to host weddings here, and large or small, they are always spectacular. Still, the preparation is always more than we expect, and we know we can only blame ourselves. Weddings are just so much fun, who could help but get carried away in the preparations! Special thanks to everyone who finds us here and chooses to share their special memories with us!


Spirit Horse Farm Spring!

Spirit Horse Farm Spring

We have had so many great guests come to visit so far this spring. And many friends returning back for second, third, and even fourth visits! Like the doves coming back from from their wayward meanderings, our guests and friends always bring an unexpected joy to the farm!

Mothers and Daughters!

Late Summer here and the town is alive with festivities. It’s an incredible time of year in New England. Harvests, the first pumpkins, and the steam whistles from the Sloan Stanley Museum pierce the last of the tropical air reminding all within earshot that cool crisp air is not far off.

Fall is upon us, the kids are back at school, and we have a mother/daughter gathering here with friends and neighbors joining in. We’ve rotated pastures, and we will begin construction on a new barn in the back for Zeb, Charlie and Victoria to share.

Even the doves are expanding, with new babies, and a new dovecote for aspiring pairs to build nests in.